Getting Started =============== .. contents:: :local: .. _gs-install: Installation ------------ - Bare functionality: ``pip install kegelements`` - Internationalization extensions: ``pip install kegelements[i18n]`` .. _gs-templates: Templates --------- Jinja templates are made available for rendering forms. To have these included in a keg app, include the core blueprint in the app:: from keg import Keg from keg_elements.core import keg_element_blueprint from my_app.views import public_bp, private_bp class MyApp(Keg): import_name = 'my_app' use_blueprints = [public_bp, private_bp, keg_element_blueprint] Note, if you are using `keg-auth` in your app, the above is not required. That library pulls in the templates to support auth views. For base templates that help standardize form/grid views, the template to extend is referenced from settings. The first of these defined is used: - `BASE_TEMPLATE` - `KEG_BASE_TEMPLATE` Form selects are rendered with select2 in templates extending ``keg-elements/form-view.html``. ``keg-elements/select2-scripts.html`` and ``keg-elements/select2-styles.html`` can be included in templates to render select2s without extending form-view. Apps can opt out of select2 rendering with ``KEG_USE_SELECT2`` config. .. _gs-model: Data Model ---------- KegElements provides model mixins with helpful default columns and methods:: from keg.db import db from keg_elements.db.mixins import DefaultMixin class Thing(DefaultMixin, db.Model): __tablename__ = 'things' # id, created_utc, updated_utc provided via mixin # tests can use Thing.fake() to get an instance with random data name = db.Column(db.Unicode(50), nullable=False) color = db.Column(db.Unicode) .. _gs-forms: Forms ----- KegElements extends wtforms-alchemy model form generation with some custom fields, an optional meta info override, and additional validation:: from keg_elements.forms import FieldMeta, ModelForm, form_validator from my_app.model import entities as ents class RelatedThingForm(ModelForm): class Meta: model = ents.RelatedThing include_foreign_keys = True class FieldsMeta: name = FieldMeta('Fancy Label') @form_validator def validate_name(self): # do validation here .. _gs-i18n: Internationalization -------------------- KegElements supports `Babel`-style internationalization of text strings through the `morphi` library. To use this feature, specify the extra requirements on install:: pip install kegelements[i18n] Currently, English (default) and Spanish are the supported languages in the UI. Helpful links ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * * Message management ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ The ``setup.cfg`` file is configured to handle the standard message extraction commands. For ease of development and ensuring that all marked strings have translations, a tox environment is defined for testing i18n. This will run commands to update and compile the catalogs, and specify any strings which need to be added. The desired workflow here is to run tox, update strings in the PO files as necessary, run tox again (until it passes), and then commit the changes to the catalog files. .. code:: tox -e i18n Upgrade Notes ============= While we attempt to preserve backward compatibility, some KegElements versions do introduce breaking changes. This list should provide information on needed app changes. - 0.8.0 - ``pytest`` removed support for nose-style methods, so base test classes (e.g. ``EntityBase``) now use ``setup_method`` instead of ``setup`` - MethodsMixin's ``testing_create`` renamed to ``fake`` for brevity - Bootstrap 4 "horizontal" form templates had been broken and were displaying forms in the vertical style instead. This has been resolved, which means forms will change to showing with horizontal layout. If this is not desired, you will need to override the form templates/macros. - Tab index setting has been removed from the form macro templates. tabindex > 0 is not recommended for accessibility. The _field_order attribute of the form should be used to indirectly control tab order, instead of setting tabindex explicitly. - Template files now follow keg's more recent naming scheme to use dashes instead of underscores. E.g. ``keg_elements/forms/horizontal_b4.html`` became ``keg-elements/forms/horizontal-b4.html`` - The older Bootstrap 3 macro template (``horizontal.html``) has been renamed for namespacing to ``horizontal-b3.html``. - ``keg-elements/form-view.html`` and ``keg-elements/grid-view.html`` are now available, but need a config value (either ``BASE_TEMPLATE`` or ``KEG_BASE_TEMPLATE``) set to represent the parent to extend. - forms now have an ident field built-in to assist in identifying the form from POSTed data. If a form's render is customized in the template layer, the ident field may be missing. A few options for moving forward: - add the field in render (identified by the result of the form's ``_form_ident_key`` method) - turn off ident validation by setting ``_form_ident_strict`` to ``False`` on the form class - turn off the field by setting ``_form_ident_enabled`` to ``False`` on the form class