
class keg_elements.views.FormMixin

Mixin supporting simple form view setup

flash_failure = ('Form errors detected, see below for details.', 'error')

flash message to show on post when form data has failed validation

flash_success = ('Form submitted successfully.', 'success')

flash message to show on post when form data has passed validation

form_cls = None

form class to construct, or callable returning a form instance.


Create the form instance with default object (if any).


Returns default object to load in form during init.


Assign a form instance to the template.


Action method for form that has failed validation.


Action method for form that has passed validation.

This is usually where things like database transactions will go.


GET method responder. By default, inits form to template.


POST method responder.

Initializes the form and attempts to validate POSTed data. Flashes messages if those attributes are set, then directs to on_form_[in]valid as needed for additional workflow.

title = None

Page title, will be assigned as title for the template.

class keg_elements.views.FormView(responding_method=None)

Base view for simple form pages.

methods: t.ClassVar[t.Optional[t.Collection[str]]] = {'GET', 'POST'}

The methods this view is registered for. Uses the same default (["GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS"]) as route and add_url_rule by default.

class keg_elements.views.GridMixin

Mixin supporting simple grid view setup


Inspects the grid manager’s arg loads to determine if post should be allowed.


GET method responder. By default, fully processes and renders grid to template.


Return any template arguments needed for render.

By default, grid and title arguments are passed in.

grid_cls = None

Grid class to construct, or callable returning a grid instance.


Create an instance of grid_cls


Handles export limit exceeded case. By default, shows a flash message.


POST method responder.

For session-enabled grids (the default), process the args, which will save any form args into the grid’s session store. Then, redirect to a GET request on the same URL.

If the grid is not session-enabled, render to the template.

Note: for request form args to be processed, the grid’s manager must be set up with an args loader that uses them.


Apply changes to grid instance after QS args/session are loaded


Create grid instance and run args collection/processing for grid state.


Build grid, handle loading args and conditional export, and render result.

template = 'keg-elements/grid-view.html'

Template to render. Defaults to keg-elements/grid-view.html

title = None

Page title, will be assigned as title for the template.

class keg_elements.views.GridView(responding_method=None)

Base view for simple grid pages.

methods: t.ClassVar[t.Optional[t.Collection[str]]] = {'GET', 'POST'}

The methods this view is registered for. Uses the same default (["GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS"]) as route and add_url_rule by default.